Back in 2000, the wave of ‘Internet’ inspired me to save money penny by penny to get an ‘Office Tiger’ internet package from ‘Landmark’ stores to access the internet from home. That’s when I created my first E-mail id on Yahoo. Can you believe? My E-mail id is 18 years old now.
‘Miss.Computer’ was my nickname at school, I was the only kid who had a computer then. Ha!ha!
Sweet memories.
When I’m not glued to the laptop, I cook, think, organize my home per David Hallen tips, read entrepreneurial books. I absolutely believe that world’s wisdom is in books.
Life went on as normal until I faced a Turning Point.
“Why Indians are shedding wastes, garbages on the streets? Why aren’t you respecting each other? Why India is still high in poverty”, a European Manager threw these questions on my face.
I didn’t have an answer.
I took a deep breath, a question flashed my mind, “How many Indians would’ve faced this situation? What’s the solution?”. With all these questions in mind, I landed back to India after onsite. When I came out of the airport, the way I started seeing India turned.
My inner voice whispered, “A foreign company selling a cup of coffee in an Indian airport? Why aren’t we using Indian? Why don’t we value local businesses?”. Slowly I realized that the piece of design, that piece of code; and that piece of market research I do is to sell a foreign product back to India.
Deep inside the darkness of my own, my inner voice whispered: “It’s time to spread the awareness”.
‘Madbucks’ was born.
The blog is my initiative to educate myself and cultivate the seeds of entrepreneurship inside young minds.
Let’s make India great again. Period.